Interview with Jenny Schoenberger

Jenny Schoenberger, MA, CCC, joined SIC in September 2018 as a specialized Children and Youth Counsellor. Since then she has counselled 29 children and youth, 38 parents and guardians, and three independent adults. Jenny also collaborates with countless school teachers, social workers, and other important people in children’s lives. In an interview with Time to Talk she offers useful insight into her tireless work with young people at the centre. Please describe the work you do. I’m a child, youth and family counsellor and also enjoy working with adults.. I work through a family system perspective which basically means everyone in a family affects one another — children affect parents and visa versa. So while most of my work happens one-on-one, I often meet parents one-on-one, too, and sometimes bring parents into a child or youths’ session. These parent and family sessions enable me to gain parents’ perspectives of what’s going well and not so well, and they als...